Consuelo Lollobrigida

As an art historian I joint a Ph.D. degree in Art History from Sapienza University, Rome (IT) and now I’m a full-time happy professor of Art History at the University of Arkansas Rome Program. I love my job as much as I love my study and my research, chiefly my field of expertise: women artists! Indeed, since 2005, I have been studying the history of women artists in the early modern time, focusing my attention principally to Rome and its environment. Since then I’ve been taking part to conferences and meetings, all over the world, on women artists in 17th and 18th century. I studied with Silvia Danesi Squarzina and Vera Fortunati, the founders of gender studies in art in Italy.

As university professor, I taught, and teach, full-term university courses on Art History, Museum Studies and Human Behavior for various universities, including programs sponsored by the University of Arkansas Rome Center, University of Michigan, Trinity College Road Scholar, and numerous other American community colleges hosted in Rome. As a guest speaker at universities, cultural associations and private institutions, I take cultural lectures and seminar-style workshops all over Italy.

At the RC I teach: Renaissance and Baroque Architecture, The Grand Tour of Europe, Art History, Women Artists from Renaissance to contemporary, Art as History.

As writer I authored many scholar articles and books, such as Plautilla Bricci. Pictura et Architectura celebris. L’architettrice del Barocco Romano; Following Women Artists. A Guide of Rome; Maria Luigia Raggi. Il Capriccio Architettonico tra Arcadia e Grand Tour; Introduzione alla Museologia. Strumenti e Metodi per operatori museali.

As antique art dealer, I’m curating private collections (inventorying, studying and cataloguing the patrimony) and collaborate with some important international auction houses.

I’m a licensed tour guide since 2000.

Professor of Art History at the University of Arkansas Rome Program

Curator of the Annual International Women in the Arts Conference

Celebrating women artists from the past to inspire today’s art lovers

Consuelo Lollobrigida

keep in touch

Rome, Italy

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